Come, come, whoever you are.
Wanderer, idolator, worshipper of fire, come even though you have broken your vows a thousand times,
Come, and come yet again. Ours is not a caravan of despair.
There are millions of websites on the Internet. And it looks like fate has brought you to our blog. I will gladly tell you more about it, so that you can better assess whether you are right here or whether you want to quickly seek the distance again.
These pages are about topics like love, religion and spirituality… no, that is still too simple. Actually, this is about a revolution. It’s about creating, based on a spiritual mind, the society we all desire in our deepest hearts. Of course, this will not be an easy path. But if we begin to foster in ourselves those qualities that we would like to see in others, we are at least working in the right direction.
Are you interested in joining this caravan? Then come! Whoever you are, this is the place for you.
The Problem of Mankind
If you go out on the street and ask any person about the state of mankind, they will most likely tell you that something is wrong with it. They will probably tell you that there is too much suffering in the world and that radical change is needed. – At least, we have heard this assessment from many of our fellows.
It seems that regarding the problem of humankind, there is a surprising unity that unites even the most distant peoples of this world. But as far as the solution to this problem is concerned, we are divided. Therefore, in the past, completely opposite antidotes have been proposed: such as revolutions or peace movements, more capitalism or more socialism, technological progress or a way of life close to nature….
Many of these solutions sound promising at first. But as the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu has already noted, our deep-seated habits cannot be changed so easily by an outward transformation of society. This is because, even after a full-scale revolution, we tend to rebuild the same structures of dominance as before [1]. This does not make problems such as power, violence and oppression disappear, but merely gives them a new face and a new name.
– Because the real problem lies within us.
What kind of world would you like to live in?
Imagine for a moment what kind of world you would like to live in. What would have to change?
I know that this is not a simple request. We seem to have forgotten how to think and strive for ideals. Perhaps the memories of past disappointments hurt us too much, so that we no longer even dare to nurture the hope that life could be different from the triviality we are used to.
When I ask myself this question, I think of a world where all people live together in peace. A world where everyone has enough and is content with what they have. A world where the strong use their power to help the weak instead of oppressing them.
From the perspective of most religions, the only thing that can truly transform our world is love. Also, the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, quoted above, has made this thesis [1]. The reason for this is that love creates a new world in which different rules prevail. Those who feel love for other beings will not do anything bad to them. We see this, for example, in couples: a man who loves his wife dearly will not do her any harm, but rather support her. The same is true for a ruler and his subjects, or for a boss and his employees.
How we want to change the world
Therefore, if you want to contribute to an ideal world, you must contribute to strengthening love in people’s hearts. That is the goal of this website.
From our point of view, the solution to humanity’s problem is that it must find its way back to its source. The source of all temporal being is the great Absolute, which we lovingly call God. And the Absolute is pure love.
The map on this path is for us the wisdom treasure of the religions. Admittedly, sometimes this treasure lies buried under the rubble and debris of human imperfection. But this is not Gods fault, but of us humans. We tend to use the Holy Books to beat our brothers and sisters with, instead of being changed by the light of their wisdom.
This website is meant to be different. Here we want to try to polish the treasure of spirituality and put it on a pedestal. In doing so, we are aware of our mistakes and inadequacies. Therefore, we do not want to act as teachers, but as students. You may decide for yourself whether you agree or disagree with the texts on this website. And your criticism is welcome.
Who knows? Maybe we will manage to form a community? A caravan of lovers striving towards the highest.
Are you interested in joining this caravan? Then come! Whoever you are, this is the place for you.
[1] Bourdieu, Pierre: Masculine Domination.