A Journey To The Absolute

The Spiritual Mind

Tag: Mysticism

Seek and you shall find

Seek and you shall find
Foto: Binti Malu

If you make the honest effort
to seek God in your heart,
you will find him.

The problem most people have is
that they don’t even try.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Jesus (Mt 7:7-8 )

Reed flute

Reed flute
Foto by Nicole Avagliano

In Persia there is a flute carved from a reed. This flute has a sad sound that makes even the strongest man cry. It is rumored that its sadness comes from the longing for its roots. It has been removed from its breeding ground and now sings the song of a lost love.

If you study the books of books carefully, you will see that they were also written by such flutes. By people who longingly yearn to return to their origin.

But wait! Before you reach for these books, pause!

And become a reed flute yourself!

Changing the world

Changing the World
Foto by Suliman Sallehi

We all want to change the world. But can we change ourselves? We all want to remove the splinters in the eyes of our neighbors, but do we recognize the bar in our own eyes?

Let’s not struggle too much with the world outside. Instead, let us turn to our inner selves. Because the house cleaning, needs our whole attention.

Whoever cleanses himself to such an extent that he enters completely into God and God into him, no longer needs to change the world. This will happen on its own, because such a person becomes a balm for humankind.

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