A Journey To The Absolute

The Spiritual Mind

Tag: self-discipline

The Tiger Within

The tiger within us
Foto: George Desipris

There is something in us that behaves like a tiger. Whenever he sees something that attracts him, he wants to chase and grab it.

Tame this tiger and the fog in your mind will clear. Where once was a storm, the sun of peaceful happiness will shine.

Discipline is key

Foto: TheDigitalArtist

Discipline is the key to any success, whether athletic, academic, or spiritual.

An athlete who does not give up the comforts of life will not become a top athlete.

A student who does not give up playing to study will not pass the big exams.

The same is true for the spiritual life.

Only those who are honest with themselves and proceed to remove every bad habit with the tweezers of introspection will become knowers of their souls.

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