A Journey To The Absolute

The Spiritual Mind

Tag: Spiritual training

Full of wishes

Foto: Wendy Wei

We are full of wishes.
We wish for this or that.
We wish for friends or solitude.
We wish for entertainment or tranquility.
We wish to be taller or shorter,
thinner or stronger, straight hair or curly.

Yet the thing we should wish for most is to have fewer wishes.
Because they do not let us think clearly and take the place in our thoughts that actually belongs to God.

Full of fears

Foto: Sven Huls

We are full of fears.
We are afraid of this and of that.
Afraid of the present and of the future.
Afraid of the known and the unknown.
Afraid of God and the devil.

Yet what we should fear most is fear itself.
It does not allow us to think clearly and takes the place in our thoughts that actually belongs to God.

Endure your neighbors

Peaceful mountains
Foto: Roberto Nickson

To endure our neighbors and to respond with love to the pain they inflict on us is one of the most important spiritual exercises of our daily lives.

When we respond to an irritation with attack, we have missed an opportunity for growth. But when we respond with love, not only do we grow ourselves, but in doing so we break a vicious cycle of attack and counterattack that can send its ripples around the entire planet.

Often, we wish for a hermitage where we can meditate or pray undisturbed by other people. But what good is all the meditation or prayer if we replace the bliss we received there with anger at the slightest irritation?

Doesn’t our true strength show itself when we keep our cool in unfavorable conditions?

For what does the warrior train if not for war?

The Tiger Within

The tiger within us
Foto: George Desipris

There is something in us that behaves like a tiger. Whenever he sees something that attracts him, he wants to chase and grab it.

Tame this tiger and the fog in your mind will clear. Where once was a storm, the sun of peaceful happiness will shine.

Spiritual Training

Spiritual Training
Foto: Jason Briscoe

The world is full of metaphors that lead us to God.

For example, physical training is an excellent analogy for the spiritual training, because in both fields similar rules apply…

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