Saint Francis by Peter Paul Rubens

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
that I may love where people hate
that I may forgive where there is offense
that I may unite where there is conflict
that I may speak truth where there is confusion
that I bring faith where there is doubt
that I awaken hope where despair torments
that I may bring light where darkness reigns
that I may bring joy where sorrow dwells.

Lord, let me seek
not that I may be comforted, but that I may comfort
not that I may be understood, but that I may understand
not that I may be loved, but that I may love.

For he who gives himself receives
he who forgets himself finds
he who forgives is forgiven
and he who dies awakens to eternal life.

  • St. Francis (?)

The prayer is usually attributed to St. Francis. However, the authorship is disputed. Even if Francis should not be the author, I am sure that he would have enjoyed it.